What problems does the melt pump solve for extruders?
Thermoplastic extrusion pumps generate pressure more efficiently than screw extruders and provide a more consistent pressure and output volume than screw extruders, which fill the gear from the suction side and rotate the gear to discharge polymer from the other side. Melt pumps don't just discharge a constant volume of melt, they are more efficient than screws at generating extrusion pressure, and they can also be used as mixing devices.

By controlling the output of the melt, it eliminates many of the variables that affect the stability of the extruder's output. Thermoplastic hot melt pumps can compensate for problems such as poor or erratic temperature control, feed interruptions, variations in the polymer mixture, and fluctuations due to screw design. Since the melt pump solves many of the extruder's output stability problems, the operator is free to focus on the die and downstream equipment.

The main purpose of the melt pump is to control the output to the die. The melt pump consists of two gears, usually driven by a single motor. The extruder fills the gear from the suction side and rotates the gear to discharge the polymer from the other side. A well-made gear will have a very contoured profile, and when that gear is enclosed in a tight-fitting housing, the volume of plastic in each tooth will be very. As the gears rotate, they will meter the exact amount of plastic on the discharge side. Zhengzhou Batte is thermoplastic melt pump manufactuer in sizes ranging from 0.08CC to 20,000CC, and can also be custom manufactured for non-standard applications.
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